NYS Annual Armed Guard In-Service Course

To Reserve Your Seat, Fill out this Form:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc9ZevTiQFdS5sRLEP3dZhEmWS9NzMOluvnSZTo3Rth3IjIsw/viewform *For NRA courses, fill out the form above as well as the url link on the center

NRA Pistol Instructor Course

RISE 1 Wayne Avenue, Suffern, NY, United States

Are you ready to take your involvement in the shooting sports to the next level? Do you feel that you have the Knowledge, Skills & Attitude necessary

Florida/Utah CCW Certification Course

The most sought-after permit for NYS residents is the Florida CCW Non-Resident Pistol Permit. Take our Florida/Utah CCW Concealed Carry Permit Course & LEGALLY CARRY A CONCEALED FIREARM IN

H.R. 218 LEOSA Qualification Course

H.R. 218, the “Law Enforcement Officers’ Safety Act” protects your right to carry a concealed weapon in the USA as a retired law enforcement officer.

2 Hour Child Safety Program (FREE!)

Got kids? Can’t find a sitter for your range time? No problem! RISE is proud to announce our new FREE program!! On the 4th Wednesday

NRA Basic Rifle Course

RISE 1 Wayne Avenue, Suffern, NY, United States

This course is at least 8 hours long and includes classroom and range time learning to shoot rifles. Students learn NRA’s rules for safe gun

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